Our meetings are generally held on the 4th Thursday of each month via a teleconference over lunch starting at 11:45 a.m. and lasted until about 1:00 p.m.. Call Bill at 916-601-9954 for more details and our minutes will be online soon.
Projects we are actively working on include:
1) Expanding the Gold Country Angler Survey into the American River Watersheds.
2) Developing a publication of photos and related text that tell the story of important issues in the watershed and what makes this watershed so unique.
3) Working with the U.S. Forest Service and the Sac-Sierra Chapter of Trout Unlimited to implement a grant from the Nevada-Placer RAC (Resource Allocation Committee) to improve signage on the two wild trout and wild and scenic rivers within our watershed (the North Fork American River above Iowa Hill Bridge, and the Rubicon River from Ralston Afterbay (Oxbow Reservoir) upstream to Hell Hole Reservoir.
4) Working with the U.S. Forest Service and other agencies and nonprofits to reduce the impacts of illegal dumping in the watershed.
5) Tracking the management and monitoring plans of PCWA (Placer County Water Agency) as they continue to work on updating their FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) license to operate hydroelectric power generation and purvey water supplies within the watersheds of Placer County.